Month: February 2014

Success, Bounce, Hit Bottom, George Patton


is how high

you bounce

when you

hit bottom.”

George Patton

General, United States Army


“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister

HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

Fear, Difficult Moments, Rita Levi-Montalcini

“Above all,

don’t fear

difficult moments.

The best

comes from them.”

Rita Levi-Montalcini, Scientist, Nobel Prize Winner


“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister

HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

Dreamer, Strength, Stars, Harriet Tubman

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

Always remember,

you have within you

the strength,

the patience,

and the passion

to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman


“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister

HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

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