Posted:  August 5, 2014

2014 – 14th Year Tribute, Gone Today, Won’t Live Longer, and Bono, Captain Kevin Donnelly


Captain Kevin Drue Donnelly died 14 years ago today.

I am still documenting – as I promised Captain Kevin, my youngest brother.

Our dad died – soon after I posted Kevin’s 11th Tribute.

Our mom, my dear mommy, is close – now in hospice.

Mom, still CANNOT say ‘Kevin’ – her youngest child’s name.  Still – not since August 5, 2000.

She can say the name of his widow, in-laws, stepdaughters… she knows her truths, too.

Mom can accurately – though in whispers, still – state the facts as we were told, then the lies that were corrected.  Still.

When doctors now ask her to name her children -for medical records- Mom will spell the first three letters of his name, then buries her face in her two hands.  Still.  Still.  Dang IT.

As I continue to honor Kevin’s request to listen, I am witnessing events and sentences that are stunning.  Still.

We continue to move forward assisting veterans, their families, and individuals with HCV.

We continue to take steps.

We continue to advocate.

We continue to take chances.

As Captain Kevin did.  Indeed, he did.  Did.

“When you stop taking chances

You’ll stay where you sit

You won’t live any longer,

But it’ll feel like it.”

Bono, Irish Activist, Musician

“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister,

Monette Benoit

HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

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