“We,” Memorial Day, by Captain Kevin Donnelly

Memorial Day was always important to Kevin Donnelly – even before he enlisted.

Respectfully, Captain Kevin always took time to honor veterans prior to his death with HCV, hep C, August 5, 2000.  Always.

This year, I, Kevin’s Sister, continues his message.  I thank all veterans and their families for service.  We honor you, veterans and veterans’ families today, Memorial Day 2010.

(Below Captain Kevin’s poem is a link for additional veteran poetry by Kevin and also information to Kevin’s wonderful gift to veterans and their families “The Panama Story.”   ** Kevin’s story was photocopied by veterans and left in clinics and vet gatherings, so veterans would have additional information.  Veterans spread the message.  They were grateful for the information.  Kevin was always humbled and proud by this action.  My wish is you will share, too.)


By Captain Kevin Drue Donnelly

Copyright ©, All Rights Reserved.

A veteran stood alone today,
Just staring, at the Capitol steps.
Wondering, how long it would take,
For the leaders, to pay their respect.

For decades heroes have been forgotten,
Except when all felt the shame.
Of the vets that died from yester-year,
The one’s who had no names.

Inside the great Capitol,
This veteran noted to himself,
Are politicians who like to wave the flag,
But look the other way, when asked to help.
They know not what they do.
For they are politicians, and do it for greed.

The veteran does their part,
Because of this country’s needs.
The veteran, alone, stood and stared,
Then started to approach the marble steps.
“If it’s flag waving and honor they want,
Then surely, surely, they want a vet!”

As the Capitol neared,
And the vet approached the first steps,
The flag atop the building suddenly snapped, and waved
And greeted, the lonely vet.

It waved from high atop, the Nation’s Capitol.
Far removed, from the politician’s embrace.
It saluted Arlington Cemetery,
And all the great, great, heroes in that place.
The flag will never be,
For those that think, of only “Me”.

The veteran is a veteran,
Because they always think of “We.”

By Captain Kevin Drue Donnelly
May 1998

“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister


HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

Additional poetry by Captain Kevin Drue Donnelly, proud veteran, may be found:


Captain Kevin wrote “The Panama Story” which is available, per his request, free  on the Internet.

Kevin’s story tracks the origins of the hepatitis virus, “non-hep”, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C,  HCV, hep mutations – and a few other details.  He combined the facts with a fast-paced read for veterans and their families.

“The Panama Story”

By Kevin Drue Donnelly

Kevin’s story, written one chapter each evening, may be accessed:


Please share with veterans.  We share the message one salute at a time passed on with honor and gratefulness.

Strength, Gandhi and Will

“Strength does not come from physical capacity.

It comes from an indomitable will.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister


HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

Elephants and Grass

“When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers.”

– Kikuyu proverb

“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister


HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

Length and Width

“I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it.

I want to have lived the width of it as well.”   Diane Ackerman

“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister


HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to veterans, veterans’ mothers and to family members.  May you find peace and blessings.

“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister


HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

Courage, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Courage faces fear and thereby masters it.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister


HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

To Live, Not To Exist

“The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.”

Jack London (1876-1916)
American novelist

“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister


HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

The Road And The Turn

“A bend in the road is not the end of the road … unless you fail to make the turn.”

Author Unknown

“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister


HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

Diane Sawyer, ABC News Anchor

“You have to believe your first job is to be a powerful witness.

You say to yourself, ‘I will turn your pain into purpose.

I will try to turn your pain into a fulcrum that moves the world to help.’ ”

Diane Sawyer, ABC News anchor, February 2010

“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister


HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

Plans, Bane And Valentine’s Day

“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood and will not be realized.

Make big plans.

Aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble and logical plan never dies, but long after we are gone will be a living thing.” Lita Bane

“Why?  I gave him my Word.”

Kevin’s Sister


HV with HCV = Helping Veterans and Families with Hep C

One Salute At A Time

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